
Friday, November 15, 2019

Human Rights

Image result for ellen degeneresWe are learning about human rights and we had to choose a hero that did something that helped human rights. I chose Ellen DeGeneres. She is a  comedian and has a TV show but she is also gay. she made gay okay in 1999. I'm not Gay but I think that it is all good to be gay.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Waitangi Project

On Wednesday Whaea[teacher] Kerry, Monika and Tara came in to our class for the whole day with all of there equipment and helped us finish our virtual reality marae[meeting house]. The class had already got familiar with the equipment and started our projects. Since we only had 1 day to complete the project we made a marae[meeting house] that had everyone's poupou[carved pole] in it and one for the whole class together. My poupou had my family around the bottom, my tree sticking up the side, my marae[meetinghouse], and a stingray on the top. above our poupou we put our pepeha[information about a person] and made heaps of trees, plants and fences to surround the marae. At the end whaea[teacher] monika videoed a walk through of our marae[meeting house] in virtual reality.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Bens Waitangi Trip

On Wednesday our class went to Waitangi to continue what we had started a couple weeks ago. we started with a little revision to get us back up to speed then went and watched the powhiri at 1.00. Then we walked to the waka and learnt about them. I learnt that it takes 80 people to operate the waka and it is the largest of its kind in the world. After all of that went to the learning centre and all worked on our kiwi culture work. I made a picture of my home.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Good Netiquette In Class

Today in class we were learning about how to speak clearly, politely, and nicely to anyone in your social life. It is called netiquette like etiquette but on the net. we learnt what to say and what not to say and how to react if you get sent something inappropriate.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Waitangi Trip

On August the first my class went to Waitangi museum and education centre. Our subject in Social study's we were learning about kiwi culture and our culture. We went into room with heaps of mean  technology. All around  the room was stations with different toys. The first station was 2 robots that you can code and tell them what to do. then there were
Three tables with tablets which had
apps like Sculpting painting and
drawing. Then the popular one was
Virtual reality. The last two were
cameras with green screens and you
could make your own videos. We also
went through the museum and James
Busby house and learnt heaps about both of them. That day was just to learn how to use everything an the next day we would do it for real.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Migration in New Zealand

Do you ever wonder why people would want to migrate to New Zealand? I think its because most of the people are friendly and  in some places its peaceful. There less pollution which leads to fresh air and a beautiful environment. In some country theirs heap of wars, school shootings, and bombs, but over here in New Zealand we have got massive bombs off the wharf.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Longitude And Latitude

In social studies we have been learning about longitude and latitude and how they work. When travelling to unfamiliar places you can use this to work out where you are or have to go. The forces use this to locate exactly where people are.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Pink Shirt Day Social Studies

Last Friday we celebrated pink shirt day and wore pink t shirts to support. The pink shirt represents anti bullying and friend ship. it also raises awareness of the amount of suicides and self harm. It came from Canada when some students were bullied and wore pink shirts to raise awareness. At our school we don't like bullying and the teachers try there best to keep all the students safe. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

About Me

Harro. I am Benjamin Wynyard Linton, and I just turned thirteen. Living with me is my brother, my cousin my mum, and my dad. My brother is a year ten here at bay and my cousin just left last year.

I am really good at Maths and problem solving and number stuff. I am quite bad at reading, writing, and,spelling but i want to get better at it. In my free time I enjoy riding my motor bike, driving, water activities and family time. Most importantly FORTNITE. I want to be better in physical education as I am quite bad.

I really love creating and building so I reckon I should be a builder or something in the building department.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

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