
Friday, September 6, 2019

Waitangi Project

On Wednesday Whaea[teacher] Kerry, Monika and Tara came in to our class for the whole day with all of there equipment and helped us finish our virtual reality marae[meeting house]. The class had already got familiar with the equipment and started our projects. Since we only had 1 day to complete the project we made a marae[meeting house] that had everyone's poupou[carved pole] in it and one for the whole class together. My poupou had my family around the bottom, my tree sticking up the side, my marae[meetinghouse], and a stingray on the top. above our poupou we put our pepeha[information about a person] and made heaps of trees, plants and fences to surround the marae. At the end whaea[teacher] monika videoed a walk through of our marae[meeting house] in virtual reality.